Our Mission, Vision and values reflect the way we work with you. They help us to ensure that solutions are focused on meeting your needs in a way that simplifies the process, acknowledges ownership and creates outcomes.

“Noelene Gration has provided CBS with both high quality strategic planning and staff engagement in two different projects. She expertly engaged senior management and Board in strategic planning and followed up with succinct written conclusions that encapsulate desired outcomes.

She also assisted us with a field worker engagement project that yielded positive feedback from staff.
Noelene was actually fun to work with and provided her authoritative assistance without the annoying habits of personal ego prevalent in her peers. She also delivers excellent value for money”


Peter Nute

Community Based Support Hobart


Disability, health and aged care sectors that effectively communicate their story, their values and vision to the people who use their services.


To use our experience and expertise to assist our clients to communicate effectively with their stakeholders


We listen

We collaborate

We are strategic

We think outside the square

We provide solutions that are effective and practical

We provide value for money
